Monday, October 22, 2018

 The main BBQ question for students to answer is: (No BEFORE & AFTER required)
What is the ideal form of government?

The above BBQ is the default question for the Unit. This means it is the question ALL students will be writing about unless an arrangement is made in advance to write about 1 of the 2 questions listed below. These are the grand questions that are a sort of glue that sticks to all the various parts to the unit. Hence, it brings all the parts of the unit together and hopefully makes sense of it all.

Include BEFORE & AFTER if you do either question below. What did you think BEFORE studying or considering these questions. What do you think AFTER studying?
A) What makes a good society?
B) What is the good life?

Prior to turning in BBQ #3 there has traditionally been an Auto v Demo Discussion Day (Assign 7) - Do well in the discussion and avoid having to do BBQ #3 essay.
How to Prepare? a) Some NOTES b)  PBS Legacy Video  c) Listen for more details in class

2 PARAGRAPH PAPER CHECKLIST (No MLA format needed. Single spaced = OK)
1) TITLE = Your Essay Question - (Top, centered, bolded & underlined)
2) INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH = (Advice Video) (Sample Video) Start broad, funnel down & include thesis with 3 subtopics in last sentence
3) 1 SUBTOPIC PARAGRAPH = (Sample Video)
a) use 1st of 3 subtopics mentioned in your intro.
b) Use minimum of 3 historical figures as evidence to support your claim.
c) Use as much vocab related words as possible to support your claim
4) REFUTE THE OPPOSING VIEWPOINT = Present the other side to your claim and argue why that side of the argument is wrong. Usually sandwich this information between the opinion of historical figures who support your claim. A good transition phrase to get into this section is "On the other hand," or "To the contrary,"

 NO! NO! NO! - DO NOT DO...(check it out)
(1st & 2nd Person Words: I, My, Me, You, We, Your, Mine, Our, etc)
NOTE:  It is OK to use a personal narrative if it is part of a quote or a document used in your essay. 
(3rd Person Words: He, She, His, Her, They, etc. are not personal narratives and can be used in essays)
C) DO NOT forget Orwell's 4 Questions for Writing
A) Alex & Mel's 2016 Legacy Essay Basics Video - Watch for how to write your Auto & Demo BBQ
B) PBS Legacy Video - Prepare for the Discussion Day.
C) Extra viewing: How Nepal's youth discuss if democracy is the best form of government

A) CER Reminder -
Need help recalling what the Social Studies Dept wants in your BBQ Essays
B) Biographical Briefing of Historical Figures -
Forgot some info, want to read them again, absent, etc?
C) Milie's 2008 Power Pt Vocab Game -
Use this, if you forgot some definitions you want to add to your BBQ
D) BBQ Instruction & Info:
Every BBQ is slightly different, but here are the BBQ Basics

There is a gap here for a reason

A) Essay Video Notes while watching Essay Bunch and to guide your essay writing.
B) Watch the Essay Bunch video for tips for how to write an essay in Mr P's Class.
C) Essay Intro and body paragraph samples

These videos below are extra support for writing an essay. Be sure to watch the Essay Bunch above before watching these videos below. Also, if there is any contradictions between the Essay Bunch and the videos posted below it is best to follow the Essay Bunch.

1) How to write a good essay?
2) Walking Through the 5 Paragraph Essay
3) 5 Paragraph Essay - Essay Basics
4) Short Video with Nice Mapping of Essay for Visual Learners

EXTRA GREEK STUFF --- This is NOT required work
e) Yale's Professor Kagan's Greek Lectures - This is for students who enjoy and want to learn more about Ancient Greece. This is NOT required work.
f) Read Plato’s - Allegory of the Cave… if you want. Just some extra reading. This is not required work.
g) Don't like reading? Watch an animated version of Allegory of the Cave.
h) BBC Documentary: What the Ancient Greeks did for us? (1 hour)
i)  BBC Documentary: Ancient Worlds - Who were the Greeks (1 hour)

Check out these Legacy Projects on the Auto vs Democracy Historical Figures done by students from the past:

1) Cory Gehr's 2010 Autocracy Democracy Time Travel
2) Bill & Ed Show 2000 Autocracy Democracy Historical Interviews
3) Who will make an even greater short film? Is it you? Would you rather do a cool meaningful final project than a final exam? Think about making a short youtube clip like this to show Mr P you have technical skill. Yet, before you start doing anything, scroll down to read over the Legacy Project Information.